As you can see the bag for this month is very colorful. I love the pattern on the bag. Now for the products I got. These are not in any order. So lets get started. I am also going to show the price of the products so you can see how much you are getting for $10 a month. Most of the products are full size.
I got this perfume roller ball. It is by Jor'el Parker and the scent is called classico. I like the size of the bottle but the scent really isn't anything I would wear. The size of the bottle I got runs around $21. Already that's more than the bag itself.
The next is this conditioning lip bomb from Jersey Shore Sun in vanilla coconut creme. It smells great. I love how it feels. It doesn't feel greasy and it helped my lips a lot. The price for this size is $10. They do have a bigger size for $5 more.
The next is this lipstick from bellapierre cosmetics. It is in the color P.I.N.K. On the website it calls it a hot pink color. To me it wasn't really hot pink. It is a great shade of pink with some micro-glitter. It doesn't smell like a crayon like most lipsticks do. To me it smells like vanilla. The picture under the lipstick is the color. The price of the lipstick is $19.99.
The last product is the Tarte water-proof bronzer in Park Avenue Princess. I love this color. It has enough simmer to give you a glow but not to much to were it looks like you threw glitter at your face. The thing I am most happy about is it is water proof! I accidentally when swimming with my make up on and it stayed. I was very surprised. The cost is about $30.
Thats it for this months bag! I will be posting a review a lip gloss I got from next next so stay tuned!